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November 3, 2007

By Margot | November 3, 2007

We are back in The Show!  Apparently, we were never actually out, just mistakenly hopped on the wrong bus.  We met with the head of San Diego radiology yesterday, Dr. Harvey, very nice smart guy. He went over the MIBG and MRI scans with Neil (I was on my way – had to pick up Sam from school so missed the analysis), the scans from April, August and October.  He said Sam’s October scan is clean and that the MRI and MIBG don’t have anything that look like disease.  Thank goodness. We are so happy, we’re back up to cloud six.  Now, if we can get Sam’s ankles taken care of -Ortho appointment Monday morning, we’ll be in good shape.  I was talking to people about he MIBG results and several people said, “You sound so calm about it.”  I think because we saw the scan from so many different views and the static scan looked so perfectly clean to me, I wasn’t sure I actually believed the “increased uptake” in the report.  According to Dr. Harvey, there are legal reasons why the radiologists have to err on the side of caution.  Good thing we didn’t totally freak out and start Sam back on IV chemo. I’m very thankful that Dr. Willert got us in to see Dr. Harvey to go over the scans with us. Anyway, we are lucky and have even more to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  Neil in his unstoppable fashion said to me this morning, “Honey, we’ve been given a gift and this means I’m going to rededicate myself (not that he’s ever undedicated himself) to stopping this disease and I’m not going to rest.”  He doesn’t rest much anyway.Please visit Give Thanks for A Cure this holiday season. I’m trying to get a link on our home page but it seems to be beyond my limited technical abilities to add a link to the banner.  That should happen soon though.

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